What I noticed in the reflection is that there are no details. Just muted light, softened by the glow of the tiny white lights and the clear glass bulbs and frosted

Confession-my tree is a fake.
Yep, I said it…not proud, but there ya go!
I won’t go into defense mode as to the reasons I chose a "fake" tree over a "real" one as they were mainly economical, and that just makes cents!
The weekend after Thanksgiving, me and my daughter, along with one of my sons and his girlfriend brought out the Christmas decorations and put up our would be beautiful tree. (The tree that started out as a bunch of folded green bristles, stuffed into a smelly old box with a cold metal pole at its core, from which shape takes place).
You have to know, if you know me at all, that this is going “somewhere”. But, if you are a first time victim bear with me? Though most of my posts are wordy and ethereal, sometimes they are…well, who am I kidding? Just know that I mean well and I promise I won't take offense if you never come back.
I think it is funny how we can’t seem leave the house without checking our reflection in the mirror. I know for me, it is just a natural habit. It is that last assessment before facing the world at large and all the judgment that comes with it. The truth is, like the tree…I started out with a cold, hard center. I was bristly and lived most of my life in a box (probably not a smelly one, but sometimes I do stink) that I rarely ventured very far from.
The reality is, I decorate me like I decorate the Christmas tree. I carefully pick what I will “put on”. My clothes will most likely match, and often are a scaled down version of the latest trend. I put on my make up, do my hair, sure to have just the right amount of fluff and wisps to justify an actual “style”. My shoes will not always be comfortable, but definitely cute. My jewelry will match at least to a small degree and all this because I own a mirror.
I guess that is minimizing things a bit, because it isn’t ONLY because I own a mirror, but for the purpose of this post, we are sticking with it.
It really is cool to see the tree in the reflection in the window, but the truth is, it is not a complete and accurate truth of what the tree is really all about. To really know what the tree looks like…you have to look at the tree.
I would venture to guess that there is little need to wrap this up in a pretty bow, but then again, I tend to lean in that direction with my mind wanderings. So…here’s my stab at it.
I realized tonight (but not for the first time) that it is all well and good to present ourselves as adorned and beautiful. Ready as much for inspection as presentation. But I wonder if it doesn’t distract other’s from looking at the actual “me”? Like my tree for instance…sure, the reflection is beautiful, it even seems to have more sparkle in the glass, but it doesn’t have depth or dimension. You can't hang anything on the reflection, it is of no earthly good. Of course, when you defer to the tree, the opposite is true.
I guess it is safe to say that this observation is true of a fake tree as much as a live one. (Barring the argument that the fake tree will LONG out last the real one)…as I like to see it, for all intents and purposes, the minute the live tree is cut from the ground it is as dead as my fake one anyway.
As for humans, well…that is a different story. We can be alive and fake just as much as we can be alive and real. We have a choice. The bottom line isn't about what we are adorned with or even how we are perceived. Rather that we are exactly who we are in the box, or out of the box. We recognize that we are given an opportunity to shine, to emit a warmth that invites others to draw near and that there is a solid core to us too. One that shapes us into who and what we were meant to be. And from that core are the branches that eventually fill in and have the strength to hold what ever gets hung on them, if only for a season.
In summary, shall we reflect? ;)
Fake trees-Good.
Fake people-Not so much.
…and that’s a wrap!