Wednesday, September 10, 2008

If I only knew then...

I have to say, the discovery of this pastor and his wonderful and HILARIOUS way of putting what is clearly obvious yet oblivious to the average man and woman had me in stitches!

He has several great clips on YouTube, which I have searched out and have come to appreciate. His name is Mark Gungor, I would highly reccomend him to anyone looking for some genuine insight that is served up "family style" on a platter of giggles, and a good clean fun as a garnish.

I hope you get a good belly laugh out of this, I know I did! Oh, and I encourage you to hold tight the to little morsels of wisdom wrapped in the clever and witty package of humor...we could sure learn a lot if we just saw the truth for the funny, whimsical, hilariousness that it is.

Here's to laughing and learning!

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