Monday, May 3, 2010

Moments With a Coward.

I have but a moment, only this one instant, marked by the tick of the clock...
With what shall I fill it, or how shall I spend it or with whom shall I invest it?

That is the thought that woke me in the middle of the night, and after writing it down and falling back to sleep...was the first thing I thought the instant I awoke this morning. Quite overwhelms me.

I spent most of the weekend with a friend that I have come to appreciate for all sorts of reasons from spontaneous laughter, roller coaster cohort, *bumble bee lovah, top-down road trips with the music blaring to something so surreal as contentment in complete silence. Were I to single out probably the most significant aspect of our friendship it would probably have to be the mere fact that I am allowed to think deeper, say things that might not always make sense, (without a LOT of explaining) process all kinds of inner quandaries audibly and in return, I am usually challenged by being asked a very simple yet profound question as a follow up to my expounded thought...WHY? *I doubt my friend realizes how great this question has always been for me.

I know it probably sounds like a really silly and simple question...yet, I am always compelled to answer, having first to think even deeper and equally important, I am given the privilege of exploring my own heart and mind a little further by a patient friend, who listens, and is usually right there with me in thought and wonder.

Recently, my friend found a video, a REMARKABLE video that you can see here: After watching this...SEVERAL times, I did what any wise woman would do, I "Googled" Francis Chan. I found out more and more about him and have begun to really enjoy a refreshing and passionate view of a man who is CRAZY in LOVE with Jesus! This inspired me to buy his book Crazy Love and I have to eyes are WIDE open and my heart has been eternally altered. Call it pierce, stirred, what ever!  All I know is that I have no excuse for living a life that is anything less than sold out for Christ, for believing Him for ALL that I need, for every remaining moment of my existence, and a growing sense of urgency and deeply stirred passion to act on THIS MOMENT...not soley for "my sake", rather for the sake of the work of the Cross. For His sake. For YOUR sake! 

I am not writing this as any sort of "promotional feed" for Pastor Chan...He has the Lord for that, and I'd say it has gone well for him thus far. (Talk about the ultimate marketing rep!) The information I've shared is simply to give you an understanding of how something as simple as a shared video clip can truly inspire someone...someone who wants MORE. Who desires a deeper more authentic relationship with the Lord, with others, and even with herself. 

Sometimes, we get caught up in believing that in order to make a difference, we have to be profound to be inspirational, or wealthy to meet a need, or wise to teach our peers. I say, you can do something as simple as share a video you ran across or be willing to share the one commodity that really isn't a commodity at all. TIME. You could be a listener, a question asker, a wonderer, a friend...and make a life altering change in the life of someone..."Just like that". (Snapping fingers).  It is about being courageous in a world of cowardly moments lived out by cowardly people who simply fail to ask something as simple as "why". It might even be more about embracing the a human "DOING" and not just a human "being". I'm the coward...but I am learning!

My thoughts are POURING out onto this virtual paper and there are no signs of slowing! I fear another novel could take root where a simple blog post was meant to appear, so I will break this down into several posts so it is more manageable. The only way to eat an elephant? ONE BITE AT A TIME! 

I can’t wait to share more about what the Lord is teaching me! For today, as I was reminded by another dear friend…simply be near to God. Being in the center of His will is simply about being available, aware, and open to His leading…and, as I am learning, revelation and revolution come from a place so sweet as this!

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