Wednesday, August 27, 2008

About that lump...

I know, strange subject line. Grab your coffee...its a long read!

I guess some might remember that there was a time when a "lump" was a measure of sugar, or the strange sensation you got in your throat right before a romantic moment on the old black and white. It reminds me that we are truly a society at large that is in a constant state of change, not even our sayings mean what they once did. The whole "one lump or two" has all but gone out the window for the "packet". Now, its more a question of Pink? Blue? Yellow? And, I always wondered...what if I wanted 3 lumps? Am I disqualified from lumping my coffee? Do I then only qualify for the next inquiry? Cream with that?...

Still not sure, but in the hustle and bustle lifestyle of today's coffee drinking-whirlwind riding-java-addict, there are simply many more decisions we must make in order to receive that cup of coffee than in the years gone by. At one time, it was simply served as we mozied up to the counter at the local diner, whether we had that exasperated "I can't start my day till I have it" look on our faces or not. No words, it was clear...we just needed coffee! (and for about 35 cents, we got all we could consume! ) Clearly, there was a time when life was simpler. Here are a few thoughts I have had, just scratching the surface of a good Cup O' Joe.

I sat in a meeting at a local Starbucks last week...and while waiting for the client to arrive, I counted 16 different types of coffee for purchase. I doubt I saw all of them, this is based solely on what my 40 year old eyes were able to read from my vantage point. Of those 16 varieties, there were "sub options" if you will. (Call it OCD, or just a mindless game I play to pass away the moments that were intended for the client that was "running a little late". ) First of all...Half pound? Pound?? Now, I have 32 options, Regular, or decaffeinated? 64 and climbing. Then of course, there is the issue of grinding. Do I want that grounded or whole bean? Grounded you say, well, no problem! How would you like that grounded? So, now my 64 options, doubled once again for grounded our whole bean, (128) have now tripled, (384) as I have come to learn that there is a course ground, a fine ground, and espresso ground. This is critical information and the decision can only be determined based on the style of coffeemaker that you possess. (Don't get me started, that is a whole OTHER blog post!) For the sake of this post, we will use my coffee pot as the standard. It requires a fine grind. (Apparently because it comes with a wire basket, and not paper filters.) *WHO KNEW!? Whew! Narrowed that down a bit! So, recapping here, those 128 options have the potential for at LEAST 3 different grind selections, giving me AT MINIMUM, 384 ways to drink my cup 0' joe.

As if that were not enough, I can always choose to have it either hot or cold...something as simple as that and poof, I am up to 768 options for a cup of coffee. See, I don't have a degree in...well in anything, but certainly had NO idea how difficult ordering a cup of coffee could become until this new era.

Don't think it ends there, I am only just beginning, see...there are other important things to consider as this is just an example of buying a pound (or half pound) of coffee from local Starbucks. My guess is Pete's is similar in most areas. Then...we have the "other" things to consider...Drive through, or walk up? Dine in? Patio? Do we want a pastry with that? And....speaking of the "THAT"...*Cup of is where you really want to know your stuff. Coffee isn't just coffee, its dessert, its a meal! Its ART! (no kidding). You can swish it, swirl it, sniff it, twirl at 4Bucks is the new Napa!

You can have your coffee blended, iced, or hot. You can have it 160 degrees, or more (at your own risk). You may choose to add syrup flavor. Will that be sugar-free or regular? Sugar-free syrup offers up about 4 choices, Regular, a few more. Do you want whip cream with that? Now, you can even have an energy boost or some wheat grass added. Partly to justify the whip cream, but apparently, it adds "nutritional value.
Extra blended is what you want when you order a Frappaccino on a hot day. (We can't have ice chunks now can we?) Of course, we can't forget that you will also need to indicate if you will be have the "skinny", non fat, sugar free version, 2% milk, or whole milk.

Coffee is not coffee anymore...and I KNOW I am not the first to write on this subject, its just one of those phenomenons that we are just entranced least until we recognize we just drank a 16 oz. drink for the low cost of "4bucks", ( Which is also the name to which I fondly refer to Starbucks as.) on our way to the gas station where we will proceed to gripe about the cost of gasoline having surpassed that 4 dollar mark per gallon.

For many of us, the habit had already been formed, and the drive through was a daily practice. Speaking of drive through...There was a time when that meant McDonald's or Jack in the Box. But now, it means "coffee".
For example: If I tell someone I will be right over, gonna hit the drive through, and ask if they want anything, they don't tell me "yeah, grab me a Big Mac", they say...hmmm, its too late for coffee for me, or, Sure, I'd like a Venti, Iced, Non-fat, Sugar Free, Caramel Machiatto, Extra Ice, Light Caramel. (That is one drink folks!). I know this cuz that is MY drink!

Its a funny topic, and yet, it is shameless. It is by far one of the most significant examples of brilliant marketing and consumer brainwashing I have seen in my lifetime. I long for the days when coffee was just coffee! Rest assured, I do have my moments of rebellion and decide to drink tea and, as simple as it sounds even TEA complicates itself.

I have to admit, right now, I have a major head ache, I'd like to stay it has to do with the math in the above blogged about subject, but my gut tells me it is a caffeine headache and I could really use a Venti, Iced, Non-Fat, Caramel Machiatto, extra ice, light caramel, right about now!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Weightier Matters

Back in June, I was blessed to go off on a weekend camping trip. As it turned out it was Father's day weekend and has served as a reminder as to when the "commitment" actually took place.

Throughout the time at the camp out, hosted by our singles group at church, we met for devotions and bible study, though it was mostly geared toward recognizing the tools we are surrounded by that help us to attain the goals and aspirations we have as individuals in our personal lives. There was plenty of practical application to be had as we found scripture to support the fact that God has a great plan for our lives and mediocrity was not a part of said plan.

We were encouraged to seek the Lord to discover what He may want to do in us for the last half of yet another year that is simply passing by. (Likened more to a freight train than a paddle boat.) We were challenged to commit to those changes and to access the tools and necessary support to get where we were intent on going. It was not unlike a lot of sessions you might expect to find on a weekend like this one, but for was time to listen and then to leap to action. Denial had been a great companion so long as complacency and mediocrity was my "goal"...but now, it was time to quit adjusting my world to suit my skewed perception, and just get on with doing what needs to be done. NO MORE EXCUSES!

By the end of the weekend, I had come to realize that the issue that I was struggling with most, *aside from poor food choices, was my lack of physical exercise, and activity due to my back and the issues that surround it. I admit, it was also an excuse not to push myself past the pain, though the pain is still very real.

To that end I share what I have been "up to"...of late. To do that we need to go back to that Sunday just for a bit...

Sunday, the last morning of the camp-out, Pastor Michael challenged us to share what we would we would like to change, and to be honest about what we want the Lord to do in our lives...and I KNEW I needed to speak up. The cool thing was that I knew I was with my friends and in a place where people accepted me just as I was and loved me "anyway". The next thing I knew I said it! "OUT LOUD" Which, to those of you have been in similar shoes know "OUT LOUD" means ACCOUNTABLE! There it was,DONE. I said it! I was doing it! No more excuses, I had to be a woman of my word.

Since then, I have committed to a change in the foods I eat and just exercising by walking. Nothing TOO extreme. I have been following a South Beachy/Atkinsy routine and it has been good to me. Its been two months...LONG months! But, today, I am down, YES, DOWN" 16.5 lbs! Some might think I should be further that I say "true". However, (confession here), there were about two weeks of being "totally off the wagon" and then, I snapped out of it and back into a great routine. Now that I am in my new house, and have a beautiful, defined, walking trail all around me, I am motivated to get out there. I am up every morning at 5:30 and out walking by 6:00 with my little sister. We hold each other accountable and it has been good for both of us. if making myself accountable to my dear friends in "singles group" and sister were not enough, now YOU know too! (GULP)

Feel free to encourage me! Remember though, I don't want or need the pasta police. I do, however, love to be challenged and am getting used to the whole idea of accountability. (Now all I have to do is actually POST this blog and my commitment will go, yet, one level deeper)!

I'll keep ya posted!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Battle Ready

I have endured one of the most hectic weeks I have had in a long time. It has been among the most trying with regard to work, daily life and even friendships. As we know, given a little time, things become clearer and the dust settles. We do the best we can, and sometimes we are victorious in conquering in battle, achieving our goals, and resolving conflict. And, sometimes, we are not. In the case of the former, there is no reward greater than the actual conquering, achieving, or resolving. In the case of the latter, when we do none of or only a few of those things but still must go on, we are faced with a challenge in our character, commitment to excellence, and faith.

I learned a little more about myself this week. I learned that, though I can be disappointed, I can get over it pretty quickly. Moving on to what the point of the experience might be and how I can best apply it to my life, or encourage someone else in it. I learned that I can be defeated and must chose to stay defeated or chose to remember that there is a great deal to be said about accepting defeat with grace, yet remaining confident that I did all I could to secure a victory. I know that there is almost always only one winner. Losing gracefully is a lost art that, though I hope to never perfect, I trust that I was to learn a thing or two about it, and perhaps endure a refresher course.

I learned that I am resilient, that I can reason, and discuss and share points and opinions without the assumption that they MUST be accepted and embraced, rather than simply heard, and considered by whom it was that they were directed.

I recognized a sense of freedom in some of those discoveries. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist. I don't know if "they" say it is normal, but, when it comes to friends, family and the world at large, my level of expectation in most things is minimal...marginal maybe? I understand grace and mercy and offer it up rather is just my nature. Yet, when it comes to "me" so much. So...I am also learning that I need to cut myself a little slack too. (a work in progress).

I can't say that any of this is a brand new revelation in my life. I know that these are all lessons life and its experiences have taught me many times before. Its just that this week, was a concentrated boot camp of "all things chaos".

My physical strength is diminishing...I knew this time in my life was coming. But, it doesn't make it any easier to accept. My emotions were scattered, as most of them had little rest in the last few weeks between my friend's move, and getting him packed and unpacked, and then my own big move. Being pushed to my limits physically has perhaps taxed my emotions more than they might at any other time in my life, the fact that it happened at a time when my work demanded so much more of me, only pushed me to accept that there are things that I just cannot control.

Friendships or "familyships" that require our commitment, patience, love and understanding sometimes take a back seat to the things that drive our paycheck or ego...and I realized this week that we must keep all of these things in balance. Boundaries are just as important as willingness to be there. I had to stop and reflect on what the fuss is really all about, and the truth is, none of it had gotten past the watchful eye of the Lord. It is not up to me to rescue the world, or always "be there" for people though, I was created for this purpose, it is not all "on me". I simply need to be honorable to the task at hand, do my best, love the people I love,abd follow through. It is so important to trust the Lord to work out all the details and nuances that I just can't control.

I know I will learn this over and over again...I guess I am writing this out so that I can look back one day and say, "oh, yeah"...I learned that already...and know exactly what to do. It is the Lord who guides me, protects me, provides for me. He moves me, and draws me to Himself. I need only to know that there is nothing He does not see, nor any trial He has not allowed. I put on my armour, go to battle, do my best and then I simply find my rest in Him.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ever have one of those days??? too! In fact, I have had a string of them, 6 to be exact!

If anyone out there is listening...I could use your prayers.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

In a nut shell

It's been a week since I got the boxes transported to their next "holding pin". I wanted to write, I needed to write, but...I couldn't justify sitting down when there was so much to do.

I am pretty much settled in now. The new place is great and I LOVE being home. I had a productive week working from home, and LOVE sitting in my office, up in the loft, looking out into the foothills through the big windows positioned perfectly for this very purpose. Working is not the same from this vantage point!

So, the week has brought a few nice surprises. My daughter started a blog! You can see it by clicking, check it out...she is funny, endearing, and wonderful. I'm not just saying that 'cuz she's my daughter either!

I went and got a massage Thursday was SOOO necessary and very relaxing...the highlight of the week!

Work was filled with twists and turns, and it was nice to end the week with dinner with my buddy and the watching of the Olympics in HD "splendor". :)

Today, I tackle the garage and a few other little projects, then, I will be "done" with the whole moving, settling in, etc. I am looking forward to just living life and not "moving" it.

So, that is it, my week in a nutshell. Nothing too over the top, mostly, a productive and good week.

I should be able to keep up the blog a little better, and won't always have "nothing" interesting to report or discuss.

Time to get the coffee...

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