Throughout the time at the camp out, hosted by our singles group at church, we met for devotions and bible study, though it was mostly geared toward recognizing the tools we are surrounded by that help us to attain the goals and aspirations we have as individuals in our personal lives. There was plenty of practical application to be had as we found scripture to support the fact that God has a great plan for our lives and mediocrity was not a part of said plan.
We were encouraged to seek the Lord to discover what He may want to do in us for

By the end of the weekend, I had come to realize that the issue that I was struggling with most, *aside from poor food choices, was my lack of physical exercise, and activity due to my back and the issues that surround it. I admit, it was also an excuse not to push myself past the pain, though the pain is still very real.
To that end I share what I have been "up to"...of late. To do that we need to go back to that Sunday just for a bit...
Sunday, the last morning of the camp-out, Pastor Michael challenged us to share what we would we would like to change, and to be honest about what we want the Lord to do in our lives...and I KNEW I needed to speak up. The cool thing was that I knew I was with my friends and in a place where people accepted me just as I was and loved me "anyway". The next thing I knew I said it! "OUT LOUD" Which, to those of you have been in similar shoes know "OUT LOUD" means ACCOUNTABLE! There it was,DONE. I said it! I was doing it! No more excuses, I had to be a woman of my word.
Since then, I have committed to a change in the foods I eat and just exercising by walking. Nothing TOO extreme. I have been following a South Beachy/Atkinsy routine and it has been good to me. Its been two months...LONG months! But, today, I am down, YES, DOWN" 16.5 lbs! Some might think I should be further that I say "true". However, (confession here), there were about two weeks of being "totally off the wagon" and then, I snapped out of it and back into a great routine. Now that I am in my new house, and have a beautiful, defined, walking trail all around me, I am motivated to get out there. I am up every morning at 5:30 and out walking by 6:00 with my little sister. We hold each other accountable and it has been good for both of us. if making myself accountable to my dear friends in "singles group" and sister were not enough, now YOU know too! (GULP)
Feel free to encourage me! Remember though, I don't want or need the pasta police. I do, however, love to be challenged and am getting used to the whole idea of accountability. (Now all I have to do is actually POST this blog and my commitment will go, yet, one level deeper)!
I'll keep ya posted!
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