Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have nothing to say...

Well, that is not necessarily true or accurate, rather...I want to say nothing.

I often think through out my day of topics ripe for a blog. Something someone says or does may inspire me, or provoke me to a deeper sense of thought and may even wax me philosophical every now and then. I see headlines that make me laugh, some that frighten me and give me that ever necessary "reality check" that we are not long for this world or I'll witness an act worthy of a "blog spot", first hand just WAITING to be authored. have nothing to say.

I have started blog posts with great intentions, found the perfect picture to correlate my point, even saved it for "future posting" and yet, none of those are appropriate for today.

I hear a lot of people talking, making argument for who they are, what they stand for, why they believe what they believe whether it is a political viewpoint, a spiritual perspective or just that they have a voice and they will use it...whether we like it or not. OK, that is fine. They can and should go for it. And, as for me, I will exercises my right to say nothing.

I am not usually moody or cranky when it comes to writing. I guess I am just feeling a little rebellious, and glib. Perhaps even happens. I am just tired of talking. It is all over the news, in the papers, on line, on the radio...everyone is talking. They all have a point, a position, an opinion. They are all right, and won't stop until every other person sees their perspective and some will go so far as to to judge you negatively if you should chose to denounce their insistence on falling in line with their "ways".

I always enjoy reading a good blog that has been written with humor, yet thought provoking. It will often spur me on to tinker around with my own, yet, I can't seem to write one to save my life these days. I wonder if it has to do with my carb intake?

I got a massage tonight, much needed and quite good. I didn't know, until tonight that I do like my earlobes rubbed. Who knew!?

I am about to post this. It probably constitutes one of my most random posts ever. I am content to do so, for no other reason that I really have said "nothing".


Corey Matelli said...

True to the theme, my comment will also say nothing.

Lisa said...

LOL...thanks for playing along! :)

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