This morning, in bible study, my pastor was sharing on the "meaning of success". He asked that we discuss amongst ourselves what we thought that might "look like".
As I sat there, listening to the people that I have come to respect and care deeply for, I heard
their hearts speak of dissapointments, failures and frustration for what lacked rather than what did not. They began to share and define for themselves and the others at the table how their struggle to succeed was challenged with the opposing rationalization that their definition of success was skewed at best. It dawned on me that they don't really see how precious and wonderful they are. Nor do they see how they have blessed me by just being who the Lord created them to be.

I heard how the very people I had admired for their seemingly unselfish ways, whose hearts were genuine and lives open, still saw themselves as failures. Somehow they were focused on what they lacked or failed to accomplish, rather than on what the Lord was accomplishing in and through them. I must say that I am a priveleged, living witness to the work the Lord is doing in my single's group with a sordid bunch of good-hearted misfits who just want to find a place to grow in Christ, love and be loved, romanticism aside.
It's not a surprise to me (anymore) that the Lord first shows me these truths in the lives of others before it dawns on me that He is, once again, holding up a mirror so that I will see my life for the truth that it is and not just for the failures and shortcomings that I tend to focus on.
We went on to learn that success is not so much a "financial thing", "the car", "the house", "the 2.3 kids", the "guy" or the "girl" of our dreams, or the "job" that offers all the prestige any over sized ego could wrap itself around. We were reminded that it is our responsibility to take the talents, gifts and abilities the Lord has given us and use them for His glory, His purpose, and to further the gospel to the unbelieving. I believe it is in making our lives, our hearts, our talents and resources available for the purpose of the Lord's kingdom that we are truly able to mark that measure of success.
Today, I am thankful that we are each created for specific purposes and are well equipped to carry out what ever we must. I recognize more today than yesterday that my completeness is in Christ but to operate in the wholeness of who I am, I must focus on being available, open and willing to be used by and for Him. I pray that I can celebrate the measures of success by the opportunities I did not waste to be used by Him for the good of His kingdom.
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