Rambling?-Most likely. Thought provoking?-Every now and again. Funny?- Only if you can relate to the questionable eloquence and self described "insightful and whimsical sense of humor" of a "closet dorque" who escapes a little more often than she should". Honest?-In every way.
Ok...OK!...Fine! I'll get back to work! But, I won't like it and...
Mr. Hemingway is among my favorite of "the literary giants". Though, you won't hear much in the way of commentary from me regarding him. I think there are many great dissertations on his abilities as a writer, his masterful and accutely defined talent and of course his works themselves speak volumes both literally and figuratively so that I am left with no room to expound. Simply put, “It has all been said”.
Ernie does inspire and challenge me to tap into the mind I have been given. As I put my pen to paper, or in this venue, fingers to the keyboard, to find simple and concise ways to memorialize certain thoughts, feelings, opinions or ideas on any given subject. I see that as I purpose myself to write an “installment to the blog”, I become more aware of how easy it can be to catch a good case of "writer's block". In this instance, the confounding is more in the sense that there is SO much I want to write about but, cannot chose a particular subject. Therefore, I sit, slumped and pondering.
I guess I might have done well to put this disclaimer out there from the onset. I write because I have to. Because thoughts float, and dreams that start out as pictures turn magically into colors, and sounds and words in my head. They waft around, like the aroma of fresh baked apple pie, straight from the oven. You cannot see the aroma. But for the pie itself, aroma would not exist. Is it fair to say the pie is only as good as it tastes? To that end, words are only words until they are crafted into a story, a thought, a poem, or song with the purpose of satisfying the underlying hunger, or urging to communicate.
I would never claim to be grammatically astute. My spelling and punctuation will always yearn to be adopted by an English major that would lovingly make the most of coming along side to polish and shine what I manage to present to the world as "my rocks". I often type out faster than I think, and eventually find myself going back to correct a “two” for a “too” or a “weak” for a "week”. I do my best to preview this stuff, reading the post "through and threw" before posting it for posterity...I am just bound to miss stuff. It is just the way it is with me! ;)
As I am reminded that we are to live by the measure of grace we offer others, I ask:
"If there be any grace in any of you, let it be in this"…that you are compassionate and understanding in your knowing that my love is “writing” …not "grammar or spelling"! (Heck, it's PRACTICALLY biblical)!!
~1 Lisa 1:1-2
I am accepting of this process, though I don’t always endure with grace. I am submitted, though at times, I kick against the goads. It is in His loving nature to remind me “whose” I am, and that no matter the process, He has not asked of me a greater suffering than He himself had not already endured.
I was told I should give this a try..."it's therapeutic", he says.
So, here's to my first "no cost" therapy session!
I am sitting on my bed, typing away knowing full well that I should be taking things off the walls and packing instead. It appears that the process of moving does not begin on its own. I have a few weeks yet, but the job is a big one and time is not the commodity it once was. The problem is, "I am hooked". This is right up my alley- free style writing, graphic design, fonts, colors, and an entire "www" full of photos, jokes, cartoons, and other useless information to insert "here and there"...best of all...NO ONE CAN STOP ME!