Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Ride of My Life

There is a certain kinda of CRAZY that compels someone to look for the steepest, loopiest, twistiest, fastest and any other "est" I may have forgotten, when it comes to roller coasters. Just my opinion...not a proven rotten eggs, please! Truth be told, I ascribe to the theory that "it takes one to know one".

Yep, I am she. Lover of all things twisty, turny, loopy, spinny, dippy and droppy...throw in a measure of extreme speed and I'm as happy as a pig in snot. (ewe)

I just love roller coasters. For anyone who knows me, it might come as a surprise because, though I am relatively social, I prefer a small get together, a few close friends, quiet evenings at home, and reading and writing over rock concerts and big parties. I am pretty calm when it comes to my general nature, and live a life that is pretty peaceful.

That is, until I am at a theme park. *OK, admittedly there was a time (or two) at a hockey game (or two) when I might have exhibited possible signs of my inner "wild me" having surfaced after she slipped the outer "calm me" a "Mickey" when I wasn't looking...but there really is no way to prove it. N0 pictures, no one who could testify that it was, in fact"me". So, we will leave that possibility to the realm of "myths and urban legends".

So, back to roller coasters. Yeah...there is this insane drive deep within me that just LOVES the excitement derived from a good 4 alarm roller coaster. You know, the ones that warn you half a mile before you get to the gate of the ride that those with heart conditions should not ride this ride, followed, every eighth of a mile as you wind your way through the lines turn by turn, by yet another warning for those under 5 feet, those who are pregnant, those who are over 200 lbs, and those who "cherish life"...BINGO...that's my ride!

There is something about a good roller dreaming here... especially the ones you find that start in broad daylight and go pitch dark! You know, a dip, a sharp turn, then POOF~you are in a cave entering a darker darkness than any you could have imagined! Music blaring, never knowing when the next turn is coming, or if you are about to drop, invert or loop. Only the eery as you climb, followed by silence. Then...*dramatic pause... a release with a whirring buzz that clearly screams FREE FALL!!!

In these types of coasters (light to dark) you go from a sense of know exactly what is coming with a bit of a head start on mentally preparing for it, to a very handicapped lesser vantage point where simply being strapped in (thank God) with belts, bars, straps and pads is all you really know for sure. (But still, you check, double check and pray as your train leaves the station).

Ahhh...yeahhh baybeee!!! What a thrill!

I wonder what it is, really, that makes that experience "fun" for me. I wonder what the draw is because just typing this out has me wondering why on EARTH would I EVER want to do such a thing!?! (REPEATEDLY) ... REALLY!!!???

There is something to be said for driving up to an amusement park, and as I get closer and closer the monstrous mass of twisted, turned, high climbing, steep dropping steel just makes my heart race. Closer still and I see more clearly the magnitude of this mass, the complexity, the ingenuity, the cute little cart that looks like a space shuttle (with only padded bars and a seat belt) that will carry me along the journey...I am thrilled!

Reality check...

So-why is that I can look at this craziness that I have just gone into great detail to explain, and STILL check the box that says, "yep, sign me up"???
...and yet, WHY, when it comes to "life", the twists, the turns, the light to dark (back to light) phases that make it "life" with it's unforeseen twists, dips, steep-zero-gravity-free-fall moments, amazing highs where the view is incredible, only to see the ground, in a blink of an eye, closing in on me at me at 90 miles an hour, I mean a life that looks HUGE, I mean GIGANTIC from where I sit, and the closer I get, the more I want to scream in terror and run from it?

I sounded pretty tough just a few paragraphs ago...yeah, me and my big talk, brave walk, high horse, saddle-me-up jibber jabber. Truth be told? I'm am a red blooded, wimped out scaredy chicken, and sometimes, I am just not brave enough to face life for what it appears to be from where I stand.

In my mind though, I resolve that I will place myself in the safety of the Lord. My strapped, padded, steel barred, extra strong-5 point restraint system that assures me that no matter the twists, the turns, the sudden drops, or steep climbs-no matter the loop-de-loops or sharp turns, I am safely "in" with my hat and sunglasses stowed for safe keeping. Perhaps those loop-de-loops of life are the very tool the Lord uses to shake free some excess cargo we had been carrying around needlessly, just like the roller coaster did with my favorite Ray Bans about 15 years ago? (Grrrr)

Perhaps, those times in the darkest darkness when we don't know where to turn, or if we are about to go into free fall, it is best to trust and remember that we are on a track, pre-designed and created perfectly to lead us home. Though the ride gets a little temultuous the minute we leave the gate, it can also be exhilarating, full of surprises, adventurous, and unexpected twists and turns...all for the thrill of it.

There are times in my life that I am glad to be on the ride. That it is exactly the thrill and excitement I had hoped it would be. But, in all fairness, there are times when I am strapped in, holding on and I remember having already been on "this" one, OK, when does this end? Can I get off now? Uh...if I fake puke, will the operator stop this thing so I can go find another life to ride? (The answer to that is no)...this is my ride, my life, I'm strapped in tight and I know that the ride ain't over till the operator says its over.

Though we may not suspect when that dip is coming, the highs are a sight to behold and usually those times are the times we never forget. I'm just saying that perhaps, just like a roller coaster, some built for speed to carry us quickly through the scariest times, others built for enjoyment that trod a little slower to take in a view of the ducks in the pond over yonder, life is presented to us much the same way. And, yeah, some folks are in the kiddie coaster and some (whether they choose it or not) are on the Mega Monster, strap in and hold on coaster.

Funny how life can have much of the same characteristics of the very thing I long for, yet, be exactly what I fear the most. Nevertheless, I'm in line, and I believe I am in for the ride of my life.

A better writer would probably take a lot more time to think about, lay out, and find some fancy schmancy ending that tidied up the whole thing all nice and neat. (Whelp... bully for them! ...not so much for me).

I think that is the end of this post...(I hear that collective sigh of relief!)


Uhhmmm...yep-that was the end. You can go now ;0)

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