Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My prayer for today

I haven't a clue about today, except that it is raining, and time to get up. After that, Lord...I simply trust you every step of the way. (Or at least that is my intention from my horizontal position amongst the fluffins and cozy burrow I have dug for myself in the middle of my king size bed.)

I imagine many things could occur today, and most likely NONE of them will. I am hardly wise, but history has shown me that I rarely know the plans you have for me half as well as YOU do. Now, to simply wait and trust, knowing that I am in the hands of the lover of my soul.

Cause me to be a voice of hope to someone who might not otherwise have hope today. Challenge me to a deeper faith by allowing for moments where I must simply choose to believe, or not. Radically alter my mind and heart to see the world through eyes meant to see as you do. Give me strength for today, as that is all I need.

For the wicked in me, (there is no "IF there be", I already know)...reveal it, and extract it. Painful as it may be, like the yanking of a badly infected tooth, pain can be effective for the final outcome. And, since I am asking for so much from you today, could you give me courage to endure the pain until I can rejoice in the aftermath of it all? (You know, the part where the wicked is extracted and in its place is goodness, kindness and love?)

Stir my spirit, open my heart, give me compassion and grace for others today. Let my words NOT be silent for you Lord and tonight, should I live that long, meet me here again so we can discuss the day, and you can be my comfort as I drift off again in my fluffins and the cozy burrow I will again dig for myself.


1 comment:

Corey Matelli said...

A prayer like this thrills the heart of our Father. It's easy to say the words, but it's a whole other thing to mean them and know that in inviting God to perform surgery, we're inviting discomfort. But then comes the peace and joy to follow. You are awesome, my friend. You inspire me. Have a great day!

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