Sunday, August 8, 2010


There is a sky that is not “our” sky, which covers me tonight
Where once stars hung in ideal align, glowing softest light

Now boasts a blanket of midnight blue, and sparks that never die
Tis here upon a grassy knoll, where I gaze up as I lie

Searching for familiar, rather found the skies gave birth
A brand new sky, my very own, Twas heaven’s view from earth  

There was a time, while embraced, I’d peer up in the dark
And see the sky that was our sky, its contrast ever stark
Pressed against me, breathing softly, longing-don’t let go
But only in the quietness of my heart’s secret hoping so

Twas there, that first I saw “our sky” in majestic splendor
And then I wished upon a star, for all that stars could render

Had then I knew what I should wish, I’d opted for my own
My perfect sky, with twinkling stars, countless, brightly shown

As quickly as a night sky fades, it seemed that so shall you
But I'll not fret, though breathless still, I've quite a splendid view

Never clearer, nor more serene this new night sky of mine
Take with you "ours", I have my own and truly, it's divine
Lisa Bennett (c) 8-2010

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